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How to Help BLM From Home

Published on
Jul 26, 2020
Written by
Peyton Mott
Published by
Edited by
I. Anxieties in Protesting During A Pandemic

2020 has been a stressful time to say the least; but with the pertinent issue of racial inequality as well as a global pandemic occurring, it’s hard to not be anxious. Though the fight for black lives is crucial, sustaining a secure mental state and staying safe during COVID is pivotal. Not only can anxiety deflect many from protesting, but the added element of a pandemic heightens fear. For those out on the frontlines fighting for the Black Lives Matter movement, thank you for your persistent strength and powerful voices and stories, but what can we do to support while being unable to protest? Many allies and supporters have found ways to support the revolution from the comfort of their homes during this anxious time.

The CDC* recommends recognizing local institutions supplying help to COVID patients, taking breaks from the overwhelming media, taking care of your body to support mental healthiness, and making time to unwind to cope with the occurring pandemic. Atop the stress of COVID-19, maintaining a quality mental health may be difficult in the face of police brutality, racism, and the importance of allyship. Below is a list of online (free and paid), resources to assist.

  • Better Help // www.betterhelp.com
  • Online access to professional counsellors
  • Big White Wall Canada // www.bigwhitewall.ca
  • Anonymous peer support community accessible anytime, anywhere
  • Therapy for Black Girls // https://therapyforblackgirls.com/
  • Therapy for Black Girls is an online space dedicated to encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls.
  • Ayana App // https://www.ayanatherapy.com/
  • Download the app today! “We strive to address the strong lack of engagement between minorities and the mental health care industry which arises as a result of cost, stigma, and lack of cultural competency. We achieve this by matching users with licensed professionals that share their unique traits, values, and sensibilities.”
  • Ethel’s Club // https://www.ethelsclub.com/
  • “At Ethel's Club, we see our members as unique individuals that deserve care, celebration, and healing. We believe that when we’re given the tools to thrive as individuals, we create new worlds when we come together as a community. We’re dedicated to providing those tools to encourage healing, inspiration, and communal care.”


II. How to Help From Home


For those who don’t feel comfortable protesting, the next step would be to donate to black based causes such as bail funds, the Black Lives Matter organization, victim memorial funds, and plenty more. We’ve included a list below of credible organizations and fundraisers, along with their mission statements.

*do not donate to change.org as there are claims they siphon donations for themselves; https://activistfacts.com/organizations/530-change-dot-org/*

  • “#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc. is a global organization in the U.S, U.K, and Canada whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities bu the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination innovation and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.”
  • The Bail Project
  • “The Bail Project, Inc. is a national nonprofit organization that provides free bail assistance and pretrial support to thousands of low-income people every year. We’re on a mission to combat mass incarceration ‒ one person at a time ‒ and transform pretrial justice in America.”
  • D.R.E.A.M
  • “D.R.E.A.M. (Developing Responsible Economically Advanced Model-Citizens) is a cutting edge, financial education and advocacy 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to empowering underrepresented, urban youth by equipping them with the essential knowledge for life’s challenging financial decisions. D.R.E.A.M. is training the next generation of citizens who will foster change within America’s urban communities, which will result in a radical shift in the financial practices of America’s low-income, urban citizens.”
  • Black Trans Advocacy Coalition
  • “Established in 2011, The Black Trans Advocacy Coalition (BTAC) is the only national social justice organization led by black trans people to collectively address the inequities faced in the black transgender human experience.
  • BTAC, through our national advocacy center and affiliate state chapters work daily to end discrimination and inequities faced in health, employment, housing and education to improve the lived experience of transgender people. BTAC’s work is based in peace building, community education, public policy initiatives, empowerment programs and direct services.”
  • Freedom School Toronto
  • “Freedom School Toronto is a youth and parent driven initiative that intervenes to fight against anti-Black racism in the school system and to creative educational alternatives for Black children.  We run a three week program for children aged four to twelve, a Saturday school program, curriculum fairs, students conference, and training programs to engage youth in Black liberatory education. We also do research on Black liberatory education and participate in campaigns to create systemic change.”


While donations are important and effective motives of change, many people (especially students) cannot afford to donate. Though many of these petitions are based towards the United States, it takes a village to promote change.

*do not donate to change.org as there are claims they siphon donations for themselves; https://activistfacts.com/organizations/530-change-dot-org/*

  • Demand Racial Data on Coronavirus
  • “In order to protect ourselves and those we love, we need the government to collect and release demographic data on the coronavirus. Also, the CDC must aggregate and release data to provide the Black community with information and resources targeted to our needs.”
  • #WeAreDoneDying Petition
  • “As the world faces unprecedented times and new realities during this global pandemic, and incidents of hate and domestic terrorism are perpetuated leading to routine brutalization of African-Americans, the health and safety of our people are at an unparalleled risk. Senseless hate crimes and incidence of coronavirus cases and deaths spreading throughout the Black community display the continuance of systematic racism and privilege granted to white people in America. Our communities are experiencing the worst outcomes on all fronts. From every location reporting data in the nation, African Americans are being harmed—both in infections and fatalities—in higher percentages.”
  • The Movement for Black Lives
  • “Across the country, our people are not only in the middle of a health crisis we are also bracing for a long and hard economic recovery. Movement for Black Lives, and Black organizations from across the country, are demanding and fighting for what needs to be done right now to stop the spread and lasting harm of COVID-19 but we are also demanding a recovery that benefits everyday people, not just big corporations. We know that historically, from the Great Depression to Hurricane Katrina, disaster response has excluded and criminalized our people. The response to this crisis must be different. We demand not only immediate relief and a commitment to long term recovery and the structural changes needed to meet the needs of all our people.”


  • Stay informed with credible sources
  • YouTube Monetization BLM Donations
  • Zoe Amira originally created an hour-long YouTube video shining light on black creators and with the ad revenue she pulled with each view, Amira donated to the Black Lives Matter fundraisers. Unfortunately, YouTube has pulled hers and many other videos like it, but there are still many videos using 100% of their ad profit to donate to the movement. Below are some YouTube videos you can play in the background of your daily life, while freely donating to a great cause.
  • Watch to Donate: A Moment of Calm on the Water in Edinburgh
  • Stream to Donate: 24/7 Hip Hop Music
  • Watch to Donate: Fitness Marathon


No matter where you are are – whether at home or back on campus, finding public officials near you to effect change is as simple as a google search.

Office of the Mayor

City Hall, 2nd Floor

100 Queen St. W.

Toronto, ON M5H 2N2

Telephone: 416-397-CITY (2489)

Email: mayor_tory@toronto.ca

Office of the Police Chief

Toronto Police Service

40 College Street

Toronto, ON M5G 2J3

Telephone: 416-808-8000

Email: officeofthechief@torontopolice.on.ca

Link to The City of Toronto Council Members:



The Black Lives Matter movement is something that affects us all in different ways; though it may seem easy to brush off by non people of color, we are just as responsible for using our privilege to protect people of color. Using all these resources we’ve provided and making sure to take care of your mental space; take a breath, and make sure to fight against injustices going on around all of us.